Happy Birthday Ryan - Through the Years 18 years ago, May 31, 2004 was his birth day. 10 lbs, 2 oz of the sweetest baby ever. * 2005, he hadn't said his first word, "ball", but it was clear he loved them. ** 2006, he got two cakes, the first near Grandma's house. He climbed all over the rocks and shore that day. A month ago we scattered his ashes in these same waters. 2006, the second cake was to share with his friends at his "Dirt Party". They had a fabulous time, digging, in the mud, spraying water and eating cake. *** 2007, was all about bikes. We gathered his pals and their bikes and found treasures all over the best bike park around. **** 2008, four years old and we played with boats at the beach. ***** 2009, they built cars, raced cars and ate cars and fun was had by all. ****** 2010, a train cake a treasure hunt of puzzle clues. ******* 2011, 7 years old and loving Super Mario Brothers. M & R were so excited to model the Mario and Luigi relay...